About festival
MyFF is the biggest cinematic event in Romania dedicated to children and youth. The festival,which is organized by Academia Studiourile Buftea in partnership with Mangalia City Hall andMangalia City Council, will take place between 5 - 8 september 2024 in Mangalia and will addressan estimated audience of over 1 000 000 participants (physical presence and online).
MyFF is a festival that inspires, motivates and educates the young generations through the art ofcinema, an ideal tool to convey knowledge, culture, values, information and emotions. The festivalpresents and promotes special and synchronously screenings films with, about and for chidlren andyouth, for general audience and experts in the cinematic field.
At its core, the festival has the principle of sustainability, awarness of climate change, and theprotection of the environment. For this reason the activities surrounding the festival will have aminimal impact on the environment. The promotion will mainly take place online in order toreduce paper printing. For the immediate needs, printing will be made on recycable paper. The crewand volunteers of the event will use public transport.
The festival aligns with this policy by dedicating a day to the sustainability topic for theenvironment with dedicated events. During the entire event, the organizers will unfold, inpartnership with Mangalia City Hall, a series of collecting waste campaings and tree plantation inthe regions surrounding the city.
The festival’s main objective is to diversify the cinematic field by presenting original contentthrough short films and feature films. Also, the festival will project a positive imagine on romanianand international film productions, underlining the new technology in communication, developingtalent and creativity in order to educate new generations.
Future romanian and foreign filmmmakers will have the chance to get in contact with new trends intoday’s cinema in order to maintain a dialog between generations that will help the cinematic field,local and international culture.
MyFF highlights the importance of interdisciplinary dialogue with the education medium andgetting the young generations to realise the significance of the cinematic art as a message generatorand cultural influencer that includes protecting the environment and the solutions to this problem.
MYFF 2024 Jury
Girat by some of the most important names
of Romanian and international cinema.
Festival director and curator
Jury member
Jury member